I was surfing the web last night and found a very interesting site that allows a small business owner to send greeting cards and post cards to their customers and prospects for only $.62 per card plus postage. Last time I was in Hallmark, cards cost around $2.50 to $5.00 each.
This service called Business Prospecting System, will allow you to send a card out in 30 seconds with your own handwriting and the envelope has a stamp on it, so it will have a high probablity of being opened.
Be sure to check out this Business Prospecting System which is part of SendOutCards.com .
The system can be used to get referrals from customers, prospect new customers, send out thank you notes, and birthday cards, and basically build close relationships with anyone.
This also works quite well with LinkedIn as far as a prospecting tool. If you find someone in LinkedIn that looks like a good prospect, then send them a card from SendOutCards.com to warm them up. You can find their address, phone number, and e-mail address by cross referencing their name and company in other online databases.