In the past, when I was a Senior Certified E-Myth Consultant, I noticed that the E-Myth Mastery material did not address the Internet as a Lead Generation Tool, in fact there was no mention of Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Marketing in the E-Myth Mastery Program. I really don't know if they have added this to the E-Myth Mastery Impact Program but my guess is that the same basic material is intact.
While working with my existing Small Business Clients, it is my observation that Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing has become a major lead generation tool for finding qualified prospects and, in fact, many of my clients are now using SEO and SEM for all their lead generation. Direct Mail and print advertising have become too expensive resulting in low ROI's. The SEO ROI and SEM ROI's are high provided the client knows what they are doing and has a website that requires the prospect to ask for more information.
That is where our SEO and SEM services come into play. Most SEO and SEM services charge from $2500 to $5000 per month but our retainer is only $400 to $800 per month and we guarantee Top 10 keyword results in the major search engines which are Google, Yahoo, and
If you would like more information on our SEO and SEM services, go to our website.